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How To Be An Inclusive Leader

“No matter your title, or how advanced you already consider yourself to be as an inclusive leader, I believe this book will help you evolve and motivate you to take action,” says Jennifer Brown about her book, How To be An Inclusive Leader: Your Role In Creating Cultures Of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive

The book is the second edition of the bestselling title from 2021. This newest installment includes a new introduction and addresses challenges posed by the pandemic—including remote work, flexibility, and mental health. 

“It also gives increased attention to embedding equity, empathy, and anti-racism in the inclusive leader framework,” shares Brown. “I’m proud that this second edition will help leaders and organizations respond to the changes unfolding around us in relevant, culturally competent ways and take action to address systemic inequities that persist in the workplace.” 

In her book, Brown explores how power and authority are changing fundamentally. She explains that today’s workplaces are full of outdated management practices and the very premises around which many leaders have built their careers, and perhaps organized their lives, are being challenged. 

Particularly helpful for leaders, Brown provides instructions on how to take an online assessment tool where you can discover where you are currently on the Inclusive Leader Continuum. That continuum consists of four stages: 

Unaware – where you learn more about the experiences and challenges that people with other identities face.

Aware – where you learn more about the concept of privilege and understand better that the playing field is not level for everyone.

Active – where you put your learning into action.

Advocate – where you leverage your power and influence to propel change. 

“The road of inclusive leadership is a very personal one,” shares Brown. “As you dive into the four stages of the Inclusive Leadership Continuum, I urge you to push yourself. To examine not only your own actions but also your inactions.” 

Finally, Brown says to remember that the Inclusive Leader Continuum is not a linear journey, and you must be patient with your progress. “You may travel forward and backward in your level of understanding and advocacy, but the important thing is that you are committed to the journey,” says Brown. 

Jennifer Brown

Pledge to take the online assessment, discover where you lie within the continuum and embrace the teachings of this book. 

Thank you to the book’s publisher for sending me an advance copy of the book. 


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