Today brings author Bruce Tulgan’s latest book, The Art of Being Indispensable at Work . It’s all about how to win influence, beat overcommitment, and get the right things done in your workplace . Tulgan says that what truly sets “go-to people” apart is how they think and what they do, including: They understand the peculiar mathematics of real influence – doing the right thing for the long term. They lead from wherever they are – going vertically before going sideways (or diagonally). They know when to say no and how to say yes . They work smart – creating checklists, step-by-step instructions, and professionalizing everything they do. They finish what they start . They get better and better at working together . They promote “go-to-ism” – finding other indispensable people throughout the organization and building new go-to people whenever there’s a chance to do so. Other characteristics of indispensable people , are: Maintaining a positive attitude
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