Today’s leaders navigate an increasingly complex and volatile world that changes by the minute, facing uncharted forces from AI-driven disruption to talent scarcity and geopolitical risk. Yet we often overestimate the risks of bold decisions and underestimate the downside of standing still. More specifically, according to Hack Future Lab : 93% of leaders expect significant AI-driven disruption over the next five years, but only 27% have the right mindsets and capabilities to respond. 81% of leaders agree that they feel overwhelmed by the speed and scale of business disruption. 77% of leaders believe that their organizations suffer from talent-crushing bureaucracy. 64% of leaders agree that their future readiness muscle is an obstacle to boldly seizing the future. 59% of leaders agree their organizations prioritize control and efficiency instead of agility and intelligence. 51% of leaders agree they don’t have enough time in their day to achieve t
The new book, The Journey of Leadership , brings the experience of one of the world’s most influential consulting firms ( McKinsey & Compan y ) right to your fingertips. “We offer in this book a step-by-step approach for leaders to reinvent themselves both professionally and personally,” explain co-authors Dana Maor , Hans-Werner Kaas , Kurt Strovink and Ramesh Srinivasan . This book includes revealing lessons from McKinsey & Company’s legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum , which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade. The authors assert that if you are a traditional left-brained leader who’s great at numbers, planning and scheduling, your job might be threatened in the future. “Going forward, the differentiating factor will be human leadership that gives people a sense of purpose and inspires them, and that cares about who they are and what they’re thinking and feeling.” As you read the book, you’ll discove