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What Business Leaders Need To Know About Artificial Intelligence

Mastering AI by Jeremy Kahn is absolutely a must-read for every business leader who wants to better understand the history and evolution of AI (Artificial Intelligence), and more important, the promise and perils of AI for businesses and society. Even if you think you have a basic understanding of AI, this book is an essential resource for you.   That is because Kahn delivers not only a timely, thorough and thought-provoking examination of AI’s benefits to humanity as well as its potentially chilling dangers, but also and vitally, a declaration for how we should proceed as AI evolves. Reading Mastering AI reminded me of the popular The Popcorn Report by Faith Popcorn – where in 1992 she identified and forecasted trends to chart the future's impact on our businesses, our lives, and our world.  Similarly, Fortune magazine journalist, Kahn, draws on his expertise and extensive contacts among the companies and scientists at the forefront of artificial intelligence to offer d
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Six Business And Leadership Principles From Payam Zamani

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Why Leaders Should Put Learning Front And Center

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David Grossman Authors Heart First For Emerging Leaders

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12 Ways Leaders Build Trust

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Lessons From CEOs On How To Start Well And Perform Quickly As The New CEO

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