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How To Achieve Constant Learning By Breaking Free From Chronic Performance

Are you stuck in chronic performance? You are if you: Are always racing to check tasks off a list. Spending most of your time trying to minimize mistakes. Suppressing your uncertainties, impressions, or questions to try to appear like you always know what you’re doing.   Being stuck in chronic performance can have a devastating impact on your skills, confidence, job, and personal life.   Fortunately, reading  Eduardo Briceño ’s bold and highly applicable book,  The Performance Paradox , will help you break free of chronic performance. Because getting trapped in the Performance Paradox where you only focus only on performing, your performance will suffer.   “The Performance Paradox is the counterintuitive phenomenon that if we want to improve our performance, we have to do something other than just perform,” explains Briceño. “No matter how hard we work, if we only do things as best we know how, trying to minimize mistakes, we get stuck at our current levels of u...
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How To Be Indispensable At Work

Bruce Tulgan ’s book,  The Art of Being Indispensable at Work   is   all about  how to win influence, beat overcommitment, and get the right things done in your workplace .   Tulgan says that what truly sets “go-to people” apart is how they think and what they do, including:   They understand the peculiar mathematics of real influence  – doing the right thing for the long term. They lead from wherever they are  – going vertically before going sideways (or diagonally). They know when to say no and how to say yes . They work smart  – creating checklists, step-by-step instructions, and professionalizing everything they do. They finish what they start . They get better and better at working together . They promote “go-to-ism”  – finding other indispensable people throughout the organization and building new go-to people whenever there’s a chance to do so.   Other  characteristics of indispensable people , are:   Maintaining a ...

Eight Times To Tell Stories In The Workplace

"Stories strengthen communications and presence for leaders," explains  Kristi Hedges , author of the book,  The Power of Presence . She recommends you  consider adding stories to your communications when you : Want to motivate others and paint a picture of what's possible. Need to show others -- whether a large audience or one person -- that you have shared commonalities. Are trying to deliver difficult news and want to show empathy. Are facing adversity in the present that relates to a situation you've experienced before. Are interviewing for a job and want to demonstrate your ability to adapt, learn, and overcome challenges. Are in a new position and would like to show others your approach and values. Want to show clients or colleagues that you've been in their shoes. Want to encourage another person to tackle something difficult.

How To Reduce Employee Loneliness In The Workplace

Here is a book that provides workplace leaders an urgently needed methodology for helping companies to reduce worker loneliness, and it delivers a blueprint for building strong, high-performing workplace teams. The book is,  Connectable: How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated To All In , by  Ryan Jenkins  and  Steven Van Cohen .   “72% of workers suffer from loneliness. And what was once a simmering problem shifted to a crisis when COVID-19 and the sudden transition to remove work isolated workers from each other as never before,” report the authors.   “Loneliness is the absence of connection,” explain the authors. “Loneliness is not defined by the lack of people, because someone can be lonely even while surrounded by others. We require more than the presence of others. We require the presence of others to dream, strategize, and work toward commons goals.”   Furthermore, “workplace loneliness is defined by the distress caused by the perceived inadequ...

How To Embrace Change

If you want to learn how to more effectively embrace change, read   Build For Tomorrow , by   Jason Feifer , Editor in chief of  Entrepreneur  magazine and host of the podcasts   Build For Tomorrow   and   Problem Solvers .  “My book is for anyone facing down an uncertain future, as well as a practical guide for every entrepreneur and aspiring entrepreneur,” says Feifer.  Organized around the four phases of change, Feifer shares personal insights and learnings from his interviews with success entrepreneurs and changemakers who have experienced tectonic shifts in work, culture, and life.  The  four phases of change  are: Panic Adapt New Normal Wouldn’t Go Back  – When we gain something so new and great that we wouldn’t want to go back to a time before we had it.  “Change is coming. It’s here. It cannot be stopped! And when it comes for us, we really only two choices – to embrace it, or to fight a losing fight,” explain...

The Science Of Personality In The Workplace

In the book,   Good Judgment , author   Richard Davis ,  PhD , explains what the   science of personality   is and how it works, and how all of us can use it to improve our working relationships, careers, and lives.   “Understanding the science of personality and how to utilize it is the key to exercising good judgment, shares Davis. “The ability to read others’ personalities quickly and accurately, overcoming biases and prejudices that might skew our perception, is critical when making decisions and managing relationships both professional and personal.”   Psychologists widely agree that  five key traits define our personalities :   Intellect : How people think. How people process information, make decisions, and solve problems. Emotionality : How people express emotions. How people typically experience and/or express their emotions. Sociability : How people engage with others. How people tend to interact, communicate, engage, and get a...

Inspiring Leadership Quotes

    These quotes truly inspire me and hopefully they will inspire you as well : “The three common characteristics of best companies -- they care, they have fun, they have high performance expectations.” -- Brad Hams “The one thing that's common to all successful people: They make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don't like to do.” -- Michael Phelps “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." -- Harry S. Truman “The leader of the past was a person who knew how to tell. The leader of the future will be a person who knows how to ask.” -- Peter Drucker “Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” -- Dwight D. Eisenhower “Good leadership isn't about advancing yourself.  It's about advancing your team.” -- John C. Maxwell "People buy into the leader, then the vision.” -- John C. Maxwell “Great leaders have courage, tenacity and patience.” -- Bill McBean ...