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How To Coach Your Employees To Increase Their Influence And Impact

Bill Berman  and  George Bradt , authors of the book,  Influence and Impact , explain the importance of helping your employees to understand what their jobs entails, and what the culture expects, so they can do the work you need from them the most.  More importantly, they say that it is better for you as a leader to  coach employees rather than supervise  them. And, as you coach, they recommend you:  Ensure the employee fully understands their job responsibilities. Pave the way for the employee to be successful. Given them the time, resources and encouragement they will need. Help them know themselves better. Consider a personality assessment by a trained evaluator so they understand their styles and preferences. Help them know the business. Ensure they know the organization’s mission, vision and purpose, business strategies and cultural norms. Help them know you. Help them to really understand what you really need from them to make you and the organiz...
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How To Find Your True Purpose And Avoid Purpose Anxiety

  Having a sense of purpose has been scientifically proven to help people find happiness, longevity, and health. But lots of us are also worried about purpose―having purpose anxiety ―estimated to affect as much as 91% of people. That purpose anxiety is the fear of not knowing your purpose in life. “Most people understand the term purpose but have no idea how to take action to discover what it means in their lives,” says hospice medical director Jordan Grumet , author of the new book, The Purpose Code: How To Unlock Meaning, Maximize Happiness, And Leave A Lasting Legacy .   Furthermore, explains Grumet, “ It turns out that we fundamentally misunderstand purpose and the role it plays in our lives. In fact, there are two distinct types of purpose. One will lead to anxiety and disillusionment; the other will lead to connection and legacy.”   Grumet uses personal anecdotes and examples from years of his hospice work to illustrate that true contentment comes fro...

How To Not Say Um And How To Communicate Effectively

“ How you say something matters more than what you say,” explains Michael Chad Hoeppner , author of the new book, Don’t Say Um: How To Communicate Effectively To Live A Better Life .   This book will help you with all your daily interactions. It will help you by focusing on perfecting your delivery, one of the two primary buckets of all spoken communication. “ Content is what you say, delivery is how you say it,” adds Hoeppner.   Hoeppner has coached presidential candidates, prominent CEOs, and Ivy League deans on their communication skills. He shares his best practices in the book, which is filled with kinesthetic techniques and hands-on exercises like finger-walking to stop using filler words or silent storytelling to avoid monotone.   You will learn through a variety of simple-to-master exercises:   Four common speaking mistakes that inadvertently impact your message and delivery. How the most effective speakers use the 5 Ps of vocal variety—a unique ...

The Benefits Of When Everyone Leads

When Everyone Leads , by  Ed O’Malley  and  Julia Fabris McBride , presents a revolutionary approach to leadership; not based on position or authority, but an activity that anybody can undertake by learning to spot opportunities for improvement and taking the initiative to engage others.   “It can be unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but in a culture where everyone leads, organizations start to make progress on their most difficult problems,” explain the authors.   As founder and chief leadership development officer at the Kansas Leadership Center, respectively, O’Malley and Fabris McBride have led thousands of people through programs to help them engage in the act of leadership. They have seen remarkable results with people from all walks of life, but they’re also keenly aware of the obstacles that tend to come up. In  When Everyone Leads , they delve into:   Identifying the Gap : how to pinpoint the area where your organization needs to improve, the gap ...

How To Make One Bold Move Each Day

  Shanna A. Hocking ’s book,  One Bold Move A Day , is all about meaningful actions women can take to fulfill their leadership and career potential.   Specially, Hocking reveals the transformative mindsets needed to make one Bold Move a day. Those are: Gratitude Mindset And  Mindset Happiness Mindset Progress Mindset   “Each of these four mindsets individually plays a special role in the process of continuously showing up for yourself and others,” explains Hocking. “Each mindset contributes in a different way to your success, but they all complement each other and together they will become the foundation to your Bold Move Mindset.”   Hocking explains in her book that a Bold Move is one that  challenges you to grow . “Sometimes it’s about capitalizing on an opportunity, and sometimes it’s about creating that opportunity for yourself,” explains Hocking.   Keep in mind, too, that a Bold Move for you might not be the same as someone else’s.   Boo...

How To Never Stop Learning

“I’ve spent the last 18 years researching why we are so bad at learning and what we can do about it,” states  Bradley R. Staats . And that’s primarily what prompted him to write his book,  Never Stop Learning: Stay Relevant, Reinvent Yourself, and Thrive . Further explaining, Staats says that when it comes to learning, we are our own worst enemy and we often work against ourselves: Instead of doing the things that will help us learn, we often do just the opposite. We are unwilling to take risks that might lead to failure. We obsess about outcomes while neglecting to examine carefully the process through which we achieve them. We rush to answers instead of asking questions. We look to fix irrelevant weaknesses instead of playing to our strengths. We treat learning as an individual exercise and neglect the important role played by others. We end up solving yesterday’s problems too late instead of tackling tomorrow’s problems before someone else does.  “If we can understand ...

How To Build Resilient And Thriving Teams

Wellbeing At Work   is an essential read for leaders who want to create a thriving and resilient workplace culture. Doing so is critical when you consider Gallup’s research of a few years ago that found that one-third of Americans have shown signs of clinical anxiety or depression.   To strengthen wellbeing in the workplace the book provides leaders various solutions, including a new metric to track suffering, struggling, and thriving —  Gallup Net Thriving .   In addition, the book covers:   The five elements of wellbeing: career, social, financial, physical, community. Why career wellbeing is the foundation of the best possible life. How net thriving teams can improve businesses, neighborhoods, and governments. Why wellbeing initiatives work substantially better when people have great managers who engage them in their work first and establish trust. Why the fastest road to net thriving is playing to each individual’s strengths.   “As workplaces around the...