Are you stuck in chronic performance? You are if you: Are always racing to check tasks off a list. Spending most of your time trying to minimize mistakes. Suppressing your uncertainties, impressions, or questions to try to appear like you always know what you’re doing. Being stuck in chronic performance can have a devastating impact on your skills, confidence, job, and personal life. Fortunately, reading Eduardo Briceño ’s bold and highly applicable book, The Performance Paradox , will help you break free of chronic performance. Because getting trapped in the Performance Paradox where you only focus only on performing, your performance will suffer. “The Performance Paradox is the counterintuitive phenomenon that if we want to improve our performance, we have to do something other than just perform,” explains Briceño. “No matter how hard we work, if we only do things as best we know how, trying to minimize mistakes, we get stuck at our current levels of u...
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