“Great leaders are great students, and the world is their classroom,” says Damon Lembi , author of the new book The Learn-It-all Leader . “Learn-It-All leaders are constantly creating and re-creating themselves, their companies, and their leadership. They are information extractors. They pull what they learn about everything—be it product innovation or how to inspire a team—from their lived experience,” adds Lembi. These types of leaders also model and directly encourage a culture of learning inside their organizations. This attracts higher-quality workers, improves their performance over time and holds onto them longer. The book is divided into two parts: Part 1: Being – explores how Learn-It-All leaders think . Part 2: Doing – examines what Learn-It-All leaders do differently . Damon Lembi Some of my favorite takeaways (including some quotes) from the book include: Quote : “Live as if you were to die tomor...
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