You're likely making progress with your New Year's resolutions and goals for 2017. I am. Plus, I recently discovered and read the new book, Life Word , and because of that I have also now selected my one Life Word. The one word that as the book authors say will significantly impact my life and legacy. Life Word shows you the three-step process for how to identify your Live Word and the "why" behind that word so you can live with a renewed sense of power, purpose and passion . Your Life Word becomes the driving force to align your efforts and eliminate distractions. And, by living your Life Word you create your legacy , defined by what you leave behind that lives on in others. Your legacy is always about the lives we touch and the people we influence. And, as the authors explain, the value of your life and your legacy is revealed in the stories that those who were most important to you--those who knew you best--will tell . In less than 100-pages an...
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