The person I turn to for effective communication advice, David Grossman, has released a new eBook called, Top 10 Barriers Communicators Face: How to Get Your Leader on Board with Internal Communication.
"Today, the savviest executives are realizing the power and potential of communication to drive results. Smart leaders know they need to connect the dots differently than before," explains David.
- This free eBook helps communication professionals recognize the 10 most common barriers to effective communication that leaders construct.
It reveals what communicators can say to their leaders to help guide their thinking and offers a host of actionable tips for moving leaders past these barriers, including what to say and what to do.
The ebook teaches how to break barriers from leaders who are:
- Scattered; communicate reactively
- Trapped in the tactical
- Not engaged in communication planning
- Donāt value communication
- Providing you limited access to him or her
Thanks David, for another great resource.
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