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What Exceptional Leaders Do In Extraordinary Times

A few years ago, I named David Grossman’s book, Heart First, as the best new leadership book for 2021

So, you can imagine how excited I am to learn that Grossman just published the second edition of the book, titled Heart First: What Exceptional Leaders Do in Extraordinary Times

This updated version is for leaders at all levels who are seeking critical insights for guiding their organizations through a pivotal time of change and complexity for companies today. 

Defining “Heart First Leadership,” Grossman explains that it is “all about championing empathy, humanity, and authenticity to build stronger, more trusting relationships and a thriving, purpose-driven organization.”

The book features: 

  • Proven best practices in leadership today.
  • Guest columns from a variety of senior leaders (AKA “Change Makers”).
  • Access to actionable tools for direct practice (exclusive access download).
  • Clear situational guidance for high-impact communication.
  • Contemporary real-world examples of issues and future-focused solutions. 

“We have learned a lot since 2020 and 2021 about what makes for great leadership. As we all know, adversity can be a great teacher, and the biggest lesson from that period was that leaders should shed their masks,” says Grossman. 

For more than three decades, award-winning leadership and communication expert David Grossman has helped scores of leaders become great leader communicators who drive impressive results for their organizations. 

He wrote the first edition of Heart First in the midst of the global pandemic and ensuing social unrest, when leaders faced a level of turmoil not seen in a century. Despite the upheaval, many leaders rose to the occasion, often by drawing not just from experience, but from being human as they led.

“For me, great leadership and communication are at the heart of building a strong, positive company culture. My hope is that Heart First (first and second editions) will continue to be a valuable resource for leaders and communicators looking to be even better in their roles,” shares Grossman. 

David Grossman, ABC, APR, Fellow PRSA, CSP, helps leaders drive productivity and get the results they want through authentic and courageous leadership communication. He is a sought-after speaker and advisor to Fortune 500 leaders, and member of the Forbes Communication Council. 

An award-winning five-time author, Grossman is CEO of The Grossman Group, a leading strategic leadership development and internal communication consultancy. His leadercommunicator™ blog has been ranked the number one blog on communication by Feedspot eight years in a row.


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