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Showing posts from November, 2023

Today's Life Quotes

  Today's life quotes to guide you as we near the start of a new year: ā€œ Your present circumstances donā€™t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start ." - Ido Qubein  ā€œ Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day ." - Michael Josephson  ā€œ Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself " - Unknown  ā€œ The bad news is time flies. The good news is youā€™re the pilo t.ā€ - Michael Altshuler

A Playbook For How Women Advance Within Business

Describing the new book, In Her Own Voice , by Jennifer McCollum , Anne Chow (former CEO of AT&T Business) says that ā€œfor women, the book does a beautiful job of explaining not just what to do to advance in your career, but also what to expect. For leaders, it helps you recognize the gap between what you think women seeking advancement want and what they really need.ā€  Chow adds, ā€œthe book is based on the experiences of tens of thousands of women, with guidance that is applicable to every one of us, no matter where we are on our own unique journey.ā€  McCollum divides her book into three parts:  Understanding the hurdles to womenā€™s advancement Overcoming the hurdles Eliminating the hurdles  She professes that women have unique gifts and abilities. ā€œBusinesses need talented women, now more than ever. We need to do everything possible to engage, develop, and inspire themā€”and to advance them into leadership roles, all the way to the C-suite and board posi...

How To Lead With Gratitude

Now is a perfect time to read the leadership book,  Leading With Gratitude , by authors  Adrian Gostick  and  Chester Elton .  The book provides managers and executives with easy ways to add more gratitude to the everyday work environment to help bolster moral, efficiency, and profitability.  Gostick and Elton also share  eight simple ways managers can show employees they are valued . Then, they supplement their insights and advice with stories of how many of todayā€™s most successful leaders successfully incorporated gratitude into their leadership styles.  Earlier this year, the authors answered this question for me:  Question : During this most unusual and challenging recent pandemic time why is it more important than ever to express gratitude? And how best should a leader do that?  Gostick and Elton : ā€œOur research shows there is a staggering gratitude deficit in the work world, especially when times get tough. People are less likely t...

How To Transform Your Perspective And Lead With Positivity

Here is a new book I imagine nearly everyone will benefit from. It is, The Negativity Fast . It's both a self-help book and a book for leaders who want to lead with positivity. At the core of the book is a thirteen-week negativity fast, during which youā€™ll progressively eliminate sources of negativity in your life for 90 days. And then from that point, youā€™ll have a new outlook on life and will have learned how to use gratitude to completely transform your mental outlook as you reframe the negative events in your life into events that made you stronger, more resilient, and better prepared for future setbacks.   ā€œMy goal is to help you reduce the time you spend in a negative state and increase the time you are positive,ā€ explains the bookā€™s author, Anthony Iannarino .   Particularly for business leaders, the book   offers easy-to-follow lessons on l earning to lead with positivity for effective change throughout your team and organization. The evidence-based exercise...

How To Move From Being Tactical To Being Truly Strategic

Todayā€™s business leaders are faced with many challenges: intense competition, increased regulation, and the need for constant innovation. Therefore, itā€™s imperative that as a business leader you have the essential meta-skill to navigate your business with a thorough understanding of your current situation, vision to see the future destination, and the ability to create the path to reach it,ā€ explains Rich Horwath , author of the new book, Strategic .  He says that being strategic is to possess insight that leads to advantage. Strategic is the opposite of unstrategic that includes:  Wondering aimlessly , lacking direction, getting lost in the weeds.  Doing everything , lacking the discipline to say no, and trying to be all things to all customers, both internally and externally.  Conducting meetings that take conversations down rabbit holes that cause widespread frustration amongst the members of your group.  Fortunately, the book provides you with th...

Inspiring Leadership Quotes

These quotes truly inspire me and hopefully they will inspire you as well : ā€œThe three common characteristics of best companies -- they care, they have fun, they have high performance expectations.ā€ -- Brad Hams ā€œThe one thing that's common to all successful people: They make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don't like to do.ā€ -- Michael Phelps ā€œIt is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." -- Harry S. Truman ā€œThe leader of the past was a person who knew how to tell. The leader of the future will be a person who knows how to ask.ā€ -- Peter Drucker ā€œLeadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.ā€ -- Dwight D. Eisenhower ā€œGood leadership isn't about advancing yourself.  It's about advancing your team.ā€ -- John C. Maxwell "People buy into the leader, then the vision.ā€ -- John C. Maxwell ā€œGreat leaders have courage, tenacity and patience.ā€ -- Bill McBean "Pe...

The Six Dimensions Of Being A Healthy Leader

In  Bob Rosen ā€™s book,  Grounded: How Leaders Stay Rooted In An Uncertain World , he explains that there are  six dimensions of being a healthy leader : Physical health : how you live. How you manage your mind and body ā€“ managing your energy and living a peak performance lifestyle. Emotional health : how you feel. This is about being self-aware and having positive emotions and the ability to be resilient, catching yourself when you have a counterproductive thought. This also includes seeking feedback from others about how you act and trying to be more reflective. Intellectual health : how you think. This is about asking questions, being deeply curious and seeing changes as an opportunity to grow, learn and reassess the way you see and talk about the world. Social health : how you interact. This is about authenticity. How do you build relationships? Are you being honest about yourself? Are you comfortable being vulnerable? Do you consider other peopleā€™s viewpoints? Vocatio...

How To Lead With Heart

Those who lead with heart consistently have discussions with their teams about their unexpressed  needs, fears, desires, gifts,  and  sense of purpose , explain the authors of the timely and compelling book,  Leading With Heart .   CEO coaches and authors  John Baird  and  Edward Sullivan  share that anyone can learn how to make an authentic connection with their teams in order to drive better outcomes. And their book provides readers clear and practical insights to help them succeed in making those connections. Be sure to read the highlighted key principles and takeaways at the end of every chapter.   Baird and Sullivan further share that since 2020, over 40 million Americans have left their jobs. Feeling disrespected was cited by 57% of those who left as the reason. Workers today want to feel seen and appreciated for who they are. Thatā€™s why companies with the best retention, morale, and productivity are led by leaders with heart. ...

How To Coach Rather Than Supervise Employees

Bill Berman  and  George Bradt , authors of the book,  Influence and Impact , explain the importance of helping your employees to understand what their jobs entails, and what the culture expects, so they can do the work you need from them the most.  More importantly, they say that it is better for you as a leader to  coach employees rather than supervise  them. And, as you coach, they recommend you:  Ensure the employee fully understands their job responsibilities. Pave the way for the employee to be successful. Given them the time, resources and encouragement they will need. Help them know themselves better. Consider a personality assessment by a trained evaluator so they understand their styles and preferences. Help them know the business. Ensure they know the organizationā€™s mission, vision and purpose, business strategies and cultural norms. Help them know you. Help them to really understand what you really need from them to make you and the organiz...