There is lots of good advice in Bob Kulhan's new book, Getting To Yes And, One of my favorites is his tips for making a presentation.
Kulhan recommends you follow these five tips:
- Warm Up. It's not enough to review your notecards and double-check your PowerPoint. Give yourself time to get your body and mind ready for peak performance.
- Relax. You've done all the prep work and you know what you're talking about, so give yourself permission to adapt to changes in your presentation as they occur.
- Adapt. You cannot plan for every question, and no matter how much you prepare there will always be uncontrollable surprises that pop up and potentially undermine your presentation. Don't try to control them. Try to adapt to them.
- Focus on Engaging. Put your energy into making sure that you are communicating your points clearly and effectively. You are not talking to a group; you are talking to individuals within the group.
- Be Yourself. You are not bound by slides. Your slides are there to support you, not vice versa. Let your natural energy come out and let your personality shine.
The bottom line, explains Kulhan, is, "Being a dynamic speaker is about bringing out the best of yourself, connecting with your audience, and communicating a simple message memorably."
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