Kathleen deLaski’s new book, Who Needs Collage Anymore?: Imagining A Future Where Degrees Won’t Matter , offers an optimistic yet practical assessment of how postsecondary education can evolve to meet the needs of next-generation learners. She reimagines what higher education might offer and whom it should serve. This is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of employment, education, and the economy. deLaski shows that we are on the cusp of a Great College Reset in which workforce training, college, and corporate training become more interchangeable—requiring unprecedented coordination between public, private, and educational institutions and new ways of thinking about the future of work. In the wake of declining US university enrollment and widespread crises of confidence in the value of a college degree, deLaski urges a mindset shift regarding the learning routes and credentials that best prepare students for success after high school. "Can...
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