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How To Lead A Family Business

Julie Charlestein is the author of the book, How To Lead Your Family Business: Excelling Through Unexpected Crises, Choices, and Challenges.

Charlestein is also the fourth-generation leader of an incredibly successful family-owned enterprise, and she’s seen it all firsthand, including family drama in the workplace and the office politics that come with any corporation.

Her book features her unique set of strategies for navigating the distinctive challenges and choices facing family businesses.

In her highly personal storytelling style, Charlestein shares her experience as an emerging leader and ultimately CEO, who has worked to earn her colleagues’ respect. She details her leadership adventure, offering actionable strategies for those leading and working within their own family businesses.

The book is ideal for anyone leading a family business or starting a family business. It’s also good for anyone taking over an existing (or new) business.

More about Charlestein:

Charlestein is a Philadelphia-based business leader and healthcare innovator who serves as the fourth-generation CEO of Premier Dental, recently named a 2023 Top Ten Most Innovative Company in Wellness by Fast Company

Premier Dental is a global provider of innovative dental products used by dentists in 75 countries.

Charlestein is an advocate for change and industry expert on integrating technology into modern dental practices to improve the treatment journey for both dentists and patients. 

Thank you to the book's publisher for sending me an advance copy of the book.


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