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Showing posts from September, 2024

Learn How To Achieve The Upside of Disruption

Todayā€™s leaders navigate an increasingly complex and volatile world that changes by the minute, facing uncharted forces from AI-driven disruption to talent scarcity and geopolitical risk. Yet we often overestimate the risks of bold decisions and underestimate the downside of standing still.   More specifically, according to Hack Future Lab :   93% of leaders expect significant AI-driven disruption over the next five years, but only 27% have the right mindsets and capabilities to respond.   81% of leaders agree that they feel overwhelmed by the speed and scale of business disruption.   77% of leaders believe that their organizations suffer from talent-crushing bureaucracy.   64% of leaders agree that their future readiness muscle is an obstacle to boldly seizing the future.   59% of leaders agree their organizations prioritize control and efficiency instead of agility and intelligence.   51% of leaders agree they donā€™t have eno...

How CEOs Learn To Lead From The Inside Out As Part Of Their Leadership Journey

  The new book, The Journey of Leadership , brings the experience of one of the worldā€™s most influential consulting firms ( McKinsey & Compan y ) right to your fingertips.   ā€œWe offer in this book a step-by-step approach for leaders to reinvent themselves both professionally and personally,ā€ explain co-authors Dana Maor , Hans-Werner Kaas , Kurt Strovink and Ramesh Srinivasan .   This book includes revealing lessons from McKinsey & Companyā€™s legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum , which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade.   The authors assert that if you are a traditional left-brained leader whoā€™s great at numbers, planning and scheduling, your job might be threatened in the future. ā€œGoing forward, the differentiating factor will be human leadership that gives people a sense of purpose and inspires them, and that cares about who they are and what theyā€™re thinking and feeling.ā€   As you read ...

How To Lead Bigger

  Anne Chow ā€™s new book, Lead Bigger , is about ā€œwhere it all comes together.ā€ By that, she means: Being driven by a compelling purpose and values, which are not platitudes, but rather lived. The goals are better decisions, improved performance, and ultimately a greater impact. Impact means you have the power to make real and enduring change for the better. Widening your perspective to have a greater performance and impact. Advancing work that matters. Developing a vital, innovative workforce that is both trusted and agile. Championing flexibility by embracing trust and empowerment for individuals, teams, and leaders alike.   Drawing from over three decades of experience, former CEO of AT&T Business Chow shares that leading bigger also means:   Embracing the whole of your team beyond the workplace : Seeing the value and potential of each individualā€”in the context of not only their work, but also their life.   Engaging in self-reflection : Demonstrating se...

What Exceptional Leaders Do In Extraordinary Times

A few years ago, I named David Grossman ā€™s book, Heart First , as the best new leadership book for 2021 .  So, you can imagine how excited I am to learn that Grossman just published the second edition of the book, titled Heart First: What Exceptional Leaders Do in Extraordinary Times .  This updated version is for leaders at all levels who are seeking critical insights for guiding their organizations through a pivotal time of change and complexity for companies today.  Defining ā€œ Heart First Leadership ,ā€ Grossman explains that it is ā€œall about championing empathy, humanity, and authenticity to build stronger, more trusting relationships and a thriving, purpose-driven organization.ā€ The book features:  Proven best practices in leadership today. Guest columns from a variety of senior leaders (AKA ā€œChange Makersā€). Access to actionable tools for direct practice (exclusive access download). Clear situational guidance for high-impact communication. Contemporary r...

A Tale Of Leadership, Marketing And Blogging From Debbie Laskey

  For the past 15 years, I have relied on Debbie Laskeyā€™s Blog for expert leadership guidance and always interesting insights into marketing best practices and recaps of marketing trends.   Fortunately, through the years, Debbie has also shared her expertise through a variety of postings on my blog and Iā€™m honored again today to feature Debbie via the following Q&Aā€™s:   Question: During 2024, you published two interesting leadership series on your blog: the Spring Leadership Series (March-June 2024) and the Olympics Leadership Series (July-August 2024). What are some of your leadership takeaways that you learned from the participants in those two series?   DEBBIE LASKEY : I've been honored to attract thought leaders to my blog in Q&A formats over the years and especially during 2024 in two leadership series. Fifteen experts participated in my #SpringLeadershipSeries, and 17 experts participated in my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries.   Three key ques...

How To Make Conversations Healthy And Productive Dialogues

  In his new book, Habits of a Peacemaker , Steven T. Collis , a leading expert on civil discourse, reveals ten practical habits that can help you navigate the potential minefields of hard topics and leave you and those you converse with feeling thoughtful and productive.  The ten habits are:  Intellectual Humility and Reframing Seek Real Learning Assume the Best About People Donā€™t Feed Peopleā€™s Worst Fears Hunt for the Best Argument Against You Be Open to Change Spend Time with People A Sliver of Humor Seek Inner Peace Embrace the Discomfort of Non-Closure  ā€œI have organized the book in a way that makes sense to me, but you should not feel the need to read it strictly from front to back,ā€ shares Collis. ā€œEach chapter provides useful guidance on how to achieve moments of peaceful, productive dialogue with the people in your life.ā€  He adds, ā€œIf how you treat others matters to you, this book offers powerful new habits that can give you ...