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How To Become A Conversational Superstar

Each year, I select my pick for the best new leadership book released that year.

As published earlier on my blog, my pick for 2023, was When Everyone Leads. 

Some years, among the many books about leadership that I read, there is another book that is so good, it becomes my runner up for the best new leadership book of the year.

That runner-up book for 2023 is, The Communication Code, by Jeremie Kubicek and Steven Cockram. 

“Effective communication is the lifeblood of every healthy relationship,” explain Kubicek and Cockram, whether that relationship is at work or at home. And effective communication is essential for successful leadership. 

Fortunately, the authors' book provides a proven series of easy-to-implement skills, techniques and powerful strategies via what they call the Communication Code that anyone can use to make their communication, relationships deeper and more productive. 

“Using five simple code words, you can verbally reach people with what they are expecting from you,” explain the authors. 

Those five code words are: 

  1. Care – being concerned for someone and desiring to do something for their good.
  2. Celebration – to acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.
  3. Clarification – to make (a statement or situation) less confusing and more clearly understandable.
  4. Collaboration – to work jointly on an activity, mainly to produce or create something.
  5. Critique – a careful judgment in which someone gives an opinion. 

The more self-aware you are and the more you practice the Communication Code, the more natural it will be for you to understand the person with whom you are communicating. The Communication Code book helps you set up conversations and communication in a way that creates a win-win scenario for everyone involved.

More specifically explain the authors, you will learn how to explicitly prompt someone to respond in a productive and meaningful way, fostering successful and fruitful interactions. The Communication Code delineates how to set the parameters of a conversation from the outset, preventing misunderstandings and miscommunication, and highlights recognizing the power dynamics of interactions to help.

Finally, I selected this book as the runner up for best new leadership book of 2023, because there is no better time than now to improve one’s communication skills.

The book will help you: 

  • Connect and communicate effectively with your team, your family, and your friends.
  • Define the parameters of a conversation from the outset to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Understand the power dynamics of an interaction to eliminate the fear of honest conversation.
  • Offer constructive criticism without offending or disappointing the person on the other side.
  • Maximize your situational awareness and collaborate like a pro. 

Today, the authors share this additional insight with us:


Question: Why is your book more timely now than in say a decade ago?


Kubicek & Cockram: We believe the deepest need of all human beings is, and always has been, to feel truly heard, valued and appreciated in the relationships they care most about.

However, the digital revolution has been rapidly changing the nature of how we communicate with each other, and this was only accelerated still further with the restrictions imposed during the Covid pandemic.

In a world that has never been as connected, we would argue that human beings have never been more disconnected, and the loneliness statistics are frightening. Learning to communicate effectively in the digital world requires a higher level of relational intelligence because attention spans have diminished, and most people are addicted to their smart phones.

Without increasing self-awareness and the use of tools like the Communication Code, relationships will continue to break down and the social, psychological and economic costs will be enormous.

Sadly, we have concluded that long term healthy relationships in the digital world are now the exception not the norm, so we wrote The Communication Code and developed the GiANT tools to play our part in helping to reverse this trend.

Whether you're a business professional looking to enhance your leadership skills, a parent striving to strengthen your family bonds, or simply someone who wants to navigate the complex world of human relationships more effectively, this book is for you.


Thank you to the book’s publisher for sending me a copy of the book.


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