Ross Dawson’s book, Thriving On Overload, provides you practical insights and strategies to build a positive relationship with information and excel at work and all your ventures.
Dawson draws on his work as a leading futurist and 25 years of research into the practices that transform a surplus of information into compelling value.
More specifically, he shares simple actionable techniques for staying ahead in an accelerating world and massive amounts of information – for many of us, information overload.
“It’s all about choosing to thrive on overload―rather than being overwhelmed by it,” explains Dawson. “Thriving on Overload starts from the premise that who we are, our identities and lives and destiny, are framed by our relationship with information.”
By reading the book and completing the exercises at the end of each chapter, you’ll learn how to develop the five intertwined powers that enable extraordinary performance in a world of overload:
Purpose: understanding why you engage with information enables a healthier relationship that generates success and balance in your life.
Framing: creating frameworks that connect information into meaningful patterns builds deep knowledge, insight, and world-class expertise.
Filtering: discerning which information best serves you helps surface valuable signals above the pervasive noise.
Attention: allocating your awareness with intent—including laser-like focus and serendipitous discovery—maximizes productivity and outcomes.
Synthesis: expanding your capacity to integrate a universe of ideas yields powerful insight, the ability to see opportunities first, and improved decision-making.
“We are not born with these five powers; they are capacities that each one of us can build and improve,” explains Dawson. “By cultivating them, we all can learn to thrive amid overwhelming excess.”
Thriving on Overload is packed with clear guidance, useful exercises, engaging stories, and handy resources. It will help build a personal “information strategy” that will make you more effective in your information habits and routines. “Whether you feel you are drowning in information, or are already an information masters, you will find perspectives, tools, and insights you can apply to improve your capabilities,” shares Dawson.
Thank you to the book’s publisher for sending me an advance copy of the book.
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