Overland Park, KS-based author Leigh Branham is conducting a survey called," Decision-to- Leave " Post-Exit Survey. He will incorporate the collected data into an updated and revised version of his popular book, The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave , first published in 2005. Survey respondents are asked to share with Branham the real reasons they chose to leave a previous job . To provide your input, go to Keeping The People , then click on Resources, then Surveys, then the Decision-to-Leave Survey. In July, Branham will report preliminary results based on results received at that time, including: a breakdown of responses on 40 reasons employees leave how they fit into the 7 "buckets" and the implications for employee re-engagement. When asked why he wrote his book, Branham said, "I kept seeing research studies reporting that managers thought money was the number one reason employees leave, and I knew that wasn't...
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