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Showing posts from June, 2020

Questions To Ask To Encourage Your Team To Go Beyond Ordinary

"It takes more than encouraging words to get a team thinking beyond the ordinary," explains  Jackie Barretta , author of the book,  Primal Teams . She suggests you must help team members to redefine the purpose of their work with broader and more expansive thinking. Use certain pointed questions to guide a team toward a loftier view of their purpose. Specifically, Barretta recommends you as the leader ask the following purpose-broadening questions to encourage the team to think of providing value beyond the ordinary : What major contributions can our team make to the company's success? What do we do that makes our colleagues and customers happy? What does our work do to give our company a competitive advantage? What do we do that no one else can do? What legacy do we want to leave? What future possibilities excite us? What difference does our work make in the lives of others?

How To Find Success, Purpose And Happiness

“I wrote this book as a roadmap to help you find success, purpose, and happiness,” explains  Tom Lewis , author of the new book,  Solid Ground . In his highly personable book, Lewis uses his life story to connect the dots between his challenges and accomplishments to demonstrate the  five foundational building blocks of success . He speaks from his experience as an award-winning homebuilder and philanthropist. And, as someone who overcame difficult markets, tough competition, and a life-threatening illness. Those f ive foundational building blocks and key qualities necessary for reaching your potential  are: Finding your talent Making good decisions Taking smart risks Keeping your drive alive Managing your career In  Solid Ground , Lewis also covers the topics of personal character, goal setting, helping others, benefits of self-awareness and finding purpose and meaning. T.W. Lewis Some of Lewis’  life lessons  are: Finding your talent and your purpose...

How To Be A Better Leader

Heed this advice from Julian Birkinshaw , author of the book,  Becoming A Better Boss , on how to be a better leader. Strive to  answer “Yes” to these three questions : Do you invest your time in things that help others to succeed? Do you invest in projects that will help the company in the long run, even if you won’t be around to get any credit for their success? Are you prepared to try out a new way of working that may fail, even if you risk looking foolish?

High-Performing Teams Do These 10 Things

According to  Ron Ricci  and  Carl Wiese , authors of the book,  The Collaboration Imperative , high-performing teams have the following characteristics: People have solid and deep trust in each other and in the team's purpose--they feel free to express feelings and ideas. Everybody is working toward the same goals. Team members are clear on how to work together and how to accomplish tasks. Everyone understands both team and individual performance goals and knows what is expected. Team members actively diffuse tension and friction in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. The team engages in extensive discussion, and everyone gets a chance to contribute--even the introverts. Disagreement is viewed as a good thing and conflicts are managed.  Criticism is constructive and is oriented toward problem solving and removing obstacles. The team makes decisions when there is natural agreement--in the cases where agreement is elusive, a decision is made by the team lead or ex...

How To Succeed As A Young Professional

Good books I like to share. Really good books I like to share with lots of people. And, Nathan Magnuson ’s latest book, StandOut! Become a Young Professional Who Wins at Work and Life , is a really good book you, and lots of people, should know about.  Written by a humble, wise, insightful millennial, Magnuson provides a timely resource to help young professionals excel in the workplace and beyond.  Call it a blueprint, handbook, guide or manual, Stand Out! is a must-read for young professionals early in their career, for recent college graduates, and for workplace leaders respectfully guiding and coaching the young professionals within their organizations. Stand Out! also makes for a good gift from a parent or life/business coach and is perfect for a millennial’s book club.  Magnuson tells it like it is, provides clear, practical, actionable advice and speaks with authenticity and in a conversational style that will resonate with young career professionals. Withi...

Wisdom Versus Integrity

Servant Leadership In Action

Check out the  definitive book on servant leadership . It's a curated collection of incredibly insightful and motivational perspectives on servant leadership via essays by 44 servant leaders. Edited by  Ken Blanchard  and  Renee Broadwell ,  Servant Leadership in Action , includes the personal stories from some of the most well-respected authorities on leadership: Patrick Lencioni John C. Maxwell Marshall Goldsmith Stephen M. R. Covey Plus, you'll read keen advice from celebrated sports coaches, company CEO's, pastors and retired military leaders. Each of the  44 stories/chapters  stands strong on its own. However, Blanchard and Broadwell group them within  six parts : Fundamentals of Servant Leadership Elements of Servant Leadership Lessons in Servant Leadership Examples of Servant Leadership Putting Servant Leadership to Work Servant Leadership Turnarounds Get your pen or highlighter ready. You're sure to take lots of notes as you capture advice...

How To Create A People-First Culture At Your Workplace

If you want to create a heart culture and a people-first culture at your workplace, read the book,  Advisory Leadership , by  Greg Friedman .   Although the book is authored by an award-winning financial advisor and primarily written for professionals in the financial services industry, this book is a must read for any leader who wants to create a nurturing  heart culture  that hinges on the human-centric values the next generation of employees hold in high regard. And, what exactly is  heart culture ? Friedman says, "At its core, heart culture symbolizes how a company values more than just an employee's output. It's not about the work, but rather, the  people  who do the work." He further explains that leaders can no longer afford to ignore the shift toward a people-first culture and its direct influence on a healthy, effective work environment. Friedman teaches that there are  seven steps , based on human virtues we all strive to achieve, t...

How To Connect With Compassion

Soft skills, all too often deemed the less important skills for a leader, are needed now more than ever. Soft skills are interpersonal skills that demonstrate a person's ability to communicate effectively and build relationships with others in one-on-one interactions as well as in groups and teams. According to  Maxine Kamin , author of the book,  Soft Skills Revolution , "The practice of soft skills aids in communication and promotes problem solving, negotiation, conflict resolutions, and team building." Each of the book's nine chapters, listed below, provide dialogue, questions, tips and recommended activities: What Are Soft Skills? The Hidden Side of Communication The Power of Positive Intentions Tack and Diplomacy The Challenge of Problem Solving Soft Skills and Teams The Personality Factor Taking the Sting Out of Feedback Conflict and Cooperation One of my favorite parts of the book is where Kamin explains the common expectations of staff members when it comes to...

How To Increase Customer Loyalty

"Today's customers demand something unlike anything they have ever wanted in the past -- a connection with your business," explains  Noah Fleming , author of the  must-read book ,  Evergreen . "This means that in order to increase customer loyalty, you need to create a relationship with that customer on a deeper and much more profound level," adds Fleming. And, to do this, you need to think in an entirely new way (at times even counter intuitively) about your market, your customers and your marketing offers. Noah Fleming Fortunately, in Fleming's  timely and intensively relevant book , he shows you through strategies, exercises and examples what to do. Fleming's techniques teach you how to acquire customers faster and how to create what he calls  legitimate brand loyalty  -- the type that helps to keep your business thriving. One of the book's most compelling lessons for me was why it's so important to tell your customers your  company's orig...

Book Recommendation For Leaders: The Leadership Challenge

There is good reason why,  The Leadership Challenge , book is now in its sixth addition. It expertly teaches you what to do as a leader to mobilize others to want to get extraordinary things done in your organization. Revised to address current challenges, this sixth edition marks thirty-plus years since the book was first published. Embedded in  The  Five Practices  of Exemplary Leadership  are behaviors that can serve as the basis for becoming an exemplary leader. The authors,  James M. Kouzes  and  Barry Z. Posner , call these  The  Ten Commitments  of Exemplary Leadership . Chapters in the book explain the conceptual principles that support each practice and prescribe specific recommendations on what you can do to make each practice and commitment your own. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership: Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart  Kouzes and Posner expla...

Discover Your True North And Internal Compass

In his book,  True North , Bill George shows you how to discover your true north - your internal compass that guides you successfully through life. "Only when you discover your true north can you unlock your full potential as a leader and human being," explains George. In the book, published a couple weeks ago, George shares with you how to: Cultivate self-awareness Define your values Find the "sweet spots": of your motivated capabilities Build your support team and lead an integrated life Make the journey from "I' to "We" as an empowering leader Become a global leader Bill George George shares  profiles and stories from more than 100 leaders  who in their own words explain how they discovered their true north.  He also explains the characteristics differences needed to be a leader in the Twenty-First Century versus the Twentieth-Century. Today's leaders, he says need to be: Purpose-drive versus charismatic Globally focused versus U. S.-centri...

52 Discoveries Leaders Can Implement Quickly

Fascinating, timely, critically useful and immensely relevant is how I describe the book,  It’s the Manager . And, it’s based on the largest study of its kind:  37.2 million people surveyed over 30 years through U.S. and global workplace tracking, including interviews of employees and managers from 160 counties, interviews with leading economists and roundtable interviews with CHROs (Chief Human Resource Officers) from 300 of the world’s largest organizations. The book, authored by  Jim Clifton  and  Jim Harter , Ph.D., both of Gallup, presents  52 powerful discoveries leaders can read and implement quickly , including: Adapt organizations and cultures to rapid change and new workplace demands. Meet the challenges of managing remote employees, a diverse workforce, gig workers and the rise of artificial intelligence. Attract, hire, onboard and retain the best employees to make your organization one of the most desired places to work for current and future st...

Flashback: Best New Leadership Book Of 2018

The new book,  Say What You Mean , by  Oren Jay Sofer , couldn’t have come at a better time. Because 2018 was a year filled with communication challenges for so many people.   Often, those conversations were ineffective and unhealthy, causing frustration, conflict and distress. Published toward the end of 2018, Sofer’s book teaches you  how to find your voice, speak your truth and listen deeply . Most important, via the book, Sofer provides us the skill necessary to transform communication into a vehicle for greater intimacy, honesty, and compassion to bring us to greater equity and peace. And, that’s why,  Say What You Mean ,  is my pick for B est New Leadership Book for 2018 . The overarching framework for the book is taking  three steps to create effective conversation : Lead with presence  – show up and be fully in the moment. Come from curiosity and care  – rooted in the foundation of our intention. Focus on what matters  – honing o...

How To Be An Effective Listener

Here are some great tips from Michelle Tillis Lederman 's book,  The 11 Laws of Likability . They are all about: what to do and what not to do to be a leader who's an effective listener : Do : Maintain eye contact Limit your talking Focus on the speaker Ask questions Manage your emotions Listen with your eyes and ears Listen for ideas and opportunities Remain open to the conversation Confirm understanding, paraphrase Give nonverbal messages that you are listening (nod, smile) Ignore distractions Don't : Interrupt Show signs of impatience Judge or argue mentally Multitask during a conversation Project your ideas Think about what to say next Have expectations or preconceived ideas Become defensive or assume you are being attacked Use condescending, aggressive, or closed body language Listen with biases or closed to new ideas Jump to conclusions or finish someone's sentences

Today's Leadership Quotes

Some of my favorite  quotes for leaders  are: A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit --  Arnold H. Glasgow I praise loudly, I blame softly --  Catherine II of Russia Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress --  Mohandas Gandhi A long dispute means that both parties are wrong --  Voltaire The least questioned assumptions are often the most questionable --  Paul Broca These and many more compelling quotes can be found in Susan H. Shearouse's book,  Conflict 101 .

11 Key Leadership Principles From Battlefield To Boardroom

Ken Marlin 's book,  The Marine Corps Way To Win On Wall Street , is all about a Marine-turned-banker's tactics for succeeding ethically, and more specifically about  11 key principles from battlefield to boardroom . Ken Marlin "I wrote the book in part because of the bashing that corporate executives and Wall Street bankers have been receiving for many years in the press and in political circles. I wanted to show people a way to be successful on Wall Street and on Main Street that works better than the current system -- and allows you to be proud of how you did it," explains Marlin. The 11 key principles Marlin covers in his book are: Take the long view Take a stand Be the expert (or use one) Know the enemy Know what the objective is worth Know yourself Control the timing Negotiate from the high ground Seek foreign entanglements Trust  and  verify Be disciplined Ken Marlin Between 1970 and 1981, Marlin rose from the enlisted ranks to become a Marine captain and infa...

The Three Pillars Of Executive Presence

After two years of research, forty focus groups and a national survey, author  Sylvia Ann Hewlett  contends the  three pillars  of  Executive Presence  are: How you act ( gravitas ) How you speak  (communication ) How you look ( appearance ) All three work together to help you  telegraph  (signal) to others that you have what it takes and that you're star material.   "One thing to note at the start is that these pillars are not equally important--not by a long shot," explains Hewlett.  "Gravitas is the core characteristic." And according to the senior leaders that Hewlett researched the  top aspects of  gravitas are : Confidence and "grace under fire" Decisiveness and "showing teeth" Integrity and "speaking truth to power" Emotional intelligence Reputation and standing/"pedigree" Vision/charisma In her book,  Executive Presence , she teaches how to act, communicate and look your best while  avoiding the most comm...