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Showing posts from October, 2024

How To Use Mindshift To Transform Your Leadership

  Eleven years ago, I featured on my blog Brian Solis’ book What's The Future (WTF) Of Business: Changing The Way Businesses Create Experiences .  I wrote about that book, “You can likely already imagine that I consider this a must-read book for any business owner and any leader  –  even leaders who manage businesses that don't directly connect with consumers.”  “WTF is incredibly relevant and timely because Solis explores the non-stop transformation happening in business today, driven by new social and mobile technologies.”  Today, brings another fascinating book by Solis, Mindshift: Transform Leadership, Drive Innovation, and Reshape the Future .  “Mindshift is the opening of your mind and heart, it’s your ability to see something new or differently; to learn and unlearn; to react creatively in times of change,” explains Solis.  As background about this new book, Solis declares that every company needs leaders who can spot and seize opportunities at a moment’s noti

Resolve To Find A Mentor In 2025

Having a mentor is one of the best things you can do to advance your career as a leader. So, decide soon to secure a mentor who will work with you during 2025. Make that one of your New Year’s resolutions. A mentor can benefit leaders new to their leadership role and they can benefit experienced and seasoned leaders, as well. A strong mentoring relationship allows the mentor and the mentee to develop new skills and talents, to build confidence, and to build self-awareness. Proper mentoring takes a commitment from both parties and it takes time to develop and to reap the rewards of the relationship. Plan to work with your mentor for no less than three months, and ideally for six months or longer. When seeking out a mentor, think about these questions : 1.  Will the relationship have good personal chemistry? 2.  Can this person guide me, particularly in the areas where I am weakest? 3.  Will this person take a genuine interest in me? 4.  Does this person have the traits and skills I want

Important Questions To Ask Your New Hires At 30, 60 And 90 Days After Hiring

In  Paul Falcone ’s book,  75 Ways For Managers To Hire, Develop And Keep Great Employees , he recommends asking new employees the following questions 30, 60 and 90 days after they were hired:   30-Day One-on-One Follow-Up Questions Why do you think we selected you as an employee? What do you like about the job and the organization so far? What’s been going well? What are the highlights of your experiences so far? Why? Tell me what you don’t understand about your job and about our organization now that you’ve had a month to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Have you faced any unforeseen surprises since joining us that you weren’t expecting?   60-Day One-on-One Follow-Up Questions Do you have enough, too much or too little time to do your work? Do you have access to the appropriate tools and resources? Do you feel you have been sufficiently trained in all aspects of your job to perform at a high level? How do you see your job relating to the organization’s mission and visio