“By 2025, experts predict that Millennials and Generation Z will make up the majority of the world’s workforce. They are two of the most populous generations on earth, and they’re going to have to navigate a work world full of unprecedented challenges,” explains Mark Zides , author of the book, The #PACE Process For Early Career Success . He adds, “The career landscape is rockier than ever, and navigating it takes more than just a résumé to find a perfect job. The # PACE Process for Early Career Success book is designed to help readers unlock the mindset, traits, and techniques needed to P lan, A pply for, C ommit to, and E xplore an ideal career path.” “Whether you plan to enter the corporate world, join a startup, or start your own business, you will learn how to: build a network master interviewing skills leverage your personal brand move on to your next opportunity when the timing is right Leveraging more...
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