Sometimes when you are leading an organization or business and struggling to articulate your core values, it helps to see how others have stated theirs. In past postings I've shared Marriott's core values. Below are the 10 core values of, a company founded in 1999 with the goal of becoming the premiere destination for online shoes. Now, it is much more than just an online shoe store, and it's known for its unwavering focus on superior customer service. Deliver WOW through service Embrace and drive change Create fun and a little weirdness Be adventurous, creative and open-minded Pursue growth and learning Build open and honest relationships with communication Build a positive team and family spirit Do more with less Be passionate and determined Be humble I like these because they are stated with no fancy words or stuffy jargon. They clearly guide employees. They quickly paint a picture of what the company is all about...
Sharing tips, ideas and techniques for leaders and managers for the past 16 years.